BEC Environmental, Inc.
Spring Mountain Raceway Northern Expansion
Habitat Conservation Plan and Desert Tortoise Compliance Support
BEC Environmental, Inc.
Spring Mountain Raceway Northern Expansion Habitat Conservation Plan and Desert Tortoise Compliance Support
Spring Mountain Raceway, LLC (SMR) contracted BEC Environmental, Inc. (BEC) to assist in compliance with the Endangered Species Act for their proposed northern expansion of raceway facilities on their adjacent private lands. BEC assisted SMR with coordination and consultation with the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to obtain an Incidental Take Permit for required prior to construction activities. BEC met with SMR and the USFWS and identified the steps and a timeline, additional data to be collected, and the documents needed to support acquisition of the Permit. The project area was surveyed during the land transfer process. BEC reviewed and re-analyzed data generated from the surveys conducted. Utilizing this information, BEC developed a Habitat Conservation Plan to assess potential impacts tortoises, and measures to avoid, minimize, and mitigate those impacts, including development of a Desert Tortoise Translocation Plan. BEC also developed an Environmental Assessment (EA) of the potential impacts of the granting of the Permit and the resulting construction of the expanded facilities. BEC developed drafts of the Incidental Take Permit (ITP) Application Form and Notice of Availability. BEC completed final documents addressing public comments received, followed by USFWS development of the Finding of No Significant Impact and was granted ITP.