BEC Environmental, Inc.
Walker River Recreation Area Expansion Environmental Assessment
BEC Environmental, Inc.
Walker River Recreation Area Expansion Environmental Assessment
BEC Environmental, Inc. (BEC) was contracted by the Nevada Division of State Parks (NDSP) to evalutate two areas proposed as campgrounds at the recently established Walker River State Recreation Area (WRSRA). In July 2017, the Walker Basin Conservancy conveyed over 12,000 acreas of land within the Walker River basin to the state of Nevada via gift deeds for WRSRA.
The properties deeded to NDSP included the Pitchfork Ranch and approximately 17.25-acres of informal, unregulated campground (“9-Mile Elbow Campground”), both located in Lyon County, Nevada. A 2,320-acre portion of the Pitchfork Ranch was proposed to be developed into Pitchfork Ranch Campground along a portion of East Walker River. NDSP also proposed multiple improvements for 9-Mile Elbow Campground to support camping, picnicking, and accessing the river.
BEC documented the site condition, analyzed information provided by NDSP, and gathered readily available information on other resources, and prepared draft Environmental Assessments for both sites to evaluate the impacts of the projects on the natural and physical environment in accordance with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and National Park Service (NPS) requirements.
BEC biologists surveyed the project areas and collected the necessary data to characterize the to prepare Biological Evaluations analyzing potential effects of the proposed campgrounds, and associated actions, on rare or protected species including raptors and other migratory birds, and species listed as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), or their designated critical habitat.